Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Back to School/ Campus: How early is too early to be thinking

I am a giantastic freakin' nerd, and there is really no hiding that. I love back to school times: the school supplies available in every store, dorm furniture, back to school clothing essentials.... I am obsessed.

Every year though, it comes to my mind: How early is too early to be thinking about it? I mean, it is the very start of July and I already have most of my school supplies. I was packing for my freshman year soon after Christmas and am known for registering as soon as I can for classes. How do you balance taking a break between semesters and being on the ball? If you channel all your excitement now, then will you be sick of college by the time September comes around? There is definitely some thinking to be had.

It has been my experience that tiredness with a subject happens as long as there isn't any new material to sedate you. There is only so many times you can read the same blog post or watch the same back to school haul in a short period of time before your brain starves wanting more material. My solution to that this year is to channel my excitement and nerdiness into the CREATION of more material.

I am already obsessed with back to school, I know that there have to be other students out there already obsessed as well... let's band together and share in this time of excitement!

Post any comments or requests you might have, and thank-you for joining me on this journey.
